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DigitalSpot 7000 DT
11012590 Arm of head
17010003 Ball bearing 6005 2ZR-CMB
17040109 Fixation of steppermotor with nuts
11011217 Holder of PCB MH-0
17050201 Holder of steppermotor Y with nuts
18040006 Nut M6 black
18540020 Nut selflock M4 silver
13030180 PCB MAG-24 version A
13030024 PCB MH-0 version A
17030461 Rubber U profile L330 black
18510001 Screw crosswise cup headed M2x4
18020005 Screw self-tapping 3,9x6,5
18020006 Screw self-tapping countersink 2,9x9,5
18010005 Screw socket head cap M4x12
12050703-01 Spacer of magnet 1
17030168 Spring tension d1xD10xL25
11011014 Stiffener of holder of steppermotor axes Y
12040023 Toothwheel D83